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News and Announcements

Date Title
01/23/2025 Clerk's Notice: Notices of Electronic Filing Failure
01/02/2025 Clerk's Notice: Public Notice of Court Closure on January 9, 2025, in Observance of the National Day of Mourning in Honor of President James Earl Carter, Jr.
12/20/2024 Clerk's Notice: Notice Regarding the Bankruptcy Noticing Center Delivery to Canada
11/06/2024 Clerk's Notice: Changes to Bankruptcy Rules and Forms December 1, 2024
11/06/2024 Clerk's Notice: Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs) Email Phishing Scam
10/31/2024 Holiday Closings
10/29/2024 REV 3 RFQ – Open Market Pricing for VMware
10/01/2024 Clerk's Notice: Public Notice for Reappointment of The Honorable Jessica E. Price Smith United States Bankruptcy Chief Judge Northern District of Ohio
09/17/2024 Clerk's Notice: Toledo Bankruptcy Court Closure on 09.27.2024
06/24/2024 Clerk's Notice: Amendments to Official Forms 101 and 201
04/24/2024 Administrative Order: Compensation of Debtor's Attorneys in Chapter 13 Cases Filed in the Northern District of Ohio, Western Division
03/18/2024 Clerk's Notice: Public Notice of Court Building Closures on April 8, 2024, Due to the Total Solar Eclipse
01/29/2024 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Not Required in the Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse Youngstown, Ohio
01/08/2024 Town Hall with Judge Tiiara N.A. Patton
01/02/2024 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in the Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse Youngstown, Ohio
12/18/2023 General Order 23-01 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health and Safety Protocols
12/18/2023 Clerk's Notice Face Coverings Not Required, Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Youngstown, Ohio
12/12/2023 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in the Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse Youngstown, Ohio
11/20/2023 Clerk's Notice: Changes to Bankruptcy Rules and Forms Effective December 1, 2023
11/20/2023 Holiday Closings
11/01/2023 Clerk's Notice: Changes to the Miscellaneous Fee Schedule Effective December 1, 2023
10/30/2023 Clerk's Notice: Canton Chapter 13 Confirmation Order for Cases filed after November 15, 2023
10/27/2023 Memorandum: Judge Koch's Disqualification
10/20/2023 Administrative Order 23-05: Delegation of Authority to Sign and Enter Certain Orders
10/19/2023 Administrative Order 23-04: Continuance of Select Administrative Orders for Cases Formerly Assigned to Judge Arthur I. Harris
10/12/2023 Administrative Order 23-03: Assignment of Cases in Cleveland effective October 14, 2023
10/02/2023 Clerk's Notice: Transcript Rate Increase and Transcript Category Name Change, Effective October 1, 2023
10/02/2023 Suzana Krstevski Koch Appointed Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Ohio, at Cleveland, Effective October 2, 2023
09/26/2023 Notice Seeking Public Comment on Revised Proposed New Chapter 13 Confirmation Order - Canton Only
09/21/2023 3 RFQ's for Exagrid EX10-SEC
08/30/2023 UST's Announcement Regarding Virtual 341 Meetings
08/07/2023 Clerk's Notice: Passing of Retired Judge Randolph Baxter
07/13/2023 Clerk's Notice: Notice Regarding Preventing Third-Party Services' Access to Restricted Information in CM/ECF
06/30/2023 Administrative Order 23-02: Vacation and Continuance of Select Administrative Orders and Revision of Procedures for Cases Formerly Assigned to Judge Arthur I. Harris
06/29/2023 Administrative Order #23-01: Assignment of Cases Filed in Cleveland Prior to and After June 30, 2023
06/27/2023 Clerk's Notice: CM/ECF Scheduled Downtime
06/13/2023 Clerk's Notice: Erroneous Emails from CM/ECF Training System
06/01/2023 Open House for Judge Arthur I. Harris
05/17/2023 Clerk's Notice: Cleveland Successor Judge Docket Dates: August 2023
04/06/2023 Clerk's Notice: Cleveland Successor Judge Docket Dates: July 2023
03/13/2023 Event Announcement: Roadways to the Bench: Who Me? A Bankruptcy or Magistrate Judge?
02/21/2023 Finalists Chosen for Cleveland Judgeship Vacancy
02/15/2023 Clerk's Notice: Passing of Retired Judge James H. Williams
01/13/2023 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings No Longer Required in the Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Youngstown, Ohio
01/13/2023 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings No Longer Required in the PNC Bank Building, 405 Madison Avenue, Sixth Floor, Toledo Ohio
01/06/2023 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in the PNC Bank Building, 405 Madison Avenue, Sixth Floor, Toledo, Ohio
12/19/2022 Clerk's Notice: New Local Corporate Ownership Statement Forms, Effective December 19, 2022
12/01/2022 General Order 22-03: Termination of General Order 21-01
11/29/2022 Clerk's Notice: Notice of Revised Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms
11/22/2022 Amendments to Bankruptcy Rules and Official Forms - Effective December 1, 2022
11/21/2022 General Order 22-02 Termination of General Order 20-01
11/04/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in the Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse Youngstown, Ohio
11/02/2022 Clerk's Notice: Revised Order for Relief from Stay in Chapter 11 and 13 Cases
10/28/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings No Longer Required in the James M. Ashley and Thomas W.L. Ashley U.S. Courthouse, Toledo, Ohio
10/27/2022 Clerk's Notice: U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Toledo, Ohio Temporarily Relocating from James M. Ashley and Thomas W.L. Ashley U.S. Courthouse to 405 Madison Avenue, Toledo, Ohio (a.k.a. PNC Bank Building)
10/14/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in the James M. Ashley and Thomas W.L. Ashley U.S Courthouse, Toledo, Ohio
09/28/2022 Notice of Vacancy - U.S. Bankruptcy Judgeship, Northern District of Ohio
09/23/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Not Required in the Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Youngstown, Ohio
09/23/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Not Required in the Ralph Regula Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Canton, Ohio
09/15/2022 Memorandum re: Canton Transition - New Order Submission Protocol
09/09/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in the Ralph Regula Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Canton, Ohio
09/02/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Not Required in the Howard M. Metzenbaum U.S. Courthouse, Cleveland, Ohio
08/12/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings no Longer Required in John F. Seiberling Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Akron, Ohio
08/05/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in John F. Seiberling Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Akron, Ohio
07/29/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in Howard M. Metzenbaum U.S. Courthouse, Cleveland, Ohio
07/25/2022 Clerk's Notice: Face Coverings Required in Nathaniel R. Jones Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Youngstown, Ohio
07/01/2022 Memo from Chief Judge Re: Transition Planning for Cases Assigned to Judges Kendig and Harris
07/01/2022 The Honorable Judge Arthur I. Harris to Retire
07/01/2022 The Honorable Judge Russ Kendig to Retire
06/24/2022 Clerks Notice: New Forms Effective June 2022
06/14/2022 RFP: Akron Courtroom Technology Upgrade
06/09/2022 RFP: Youngstown Courtroom Technology Upgrade
06/07/2022 RFP: Courtroom Technology Equipment Maintenance and Support Agreement
04/08/2022 Amended General Order No. 21-02: Health and Safety Protocols
03/18/2022 Reissued Clerk's Notice: Revised Dollar Amounts in Official Forms 106C, 107, 122A-2, 122C-2, 201, 207, 410, Director's Forms 2000 and 2830, and certain instructions, effective April 1, 2022 to include attached chart of revised dollar amounts
03/08/2022 Clerk's Notice: Revised Dollar Amounts in Official Forms 106C, 107, 122A-2, 122C-2, 201, 207, 410, Director's Forms 2000 and 2830, and certain instructions, effective April 1, 2022
01/07/2022 Clerk's Notice - Proposed Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules
12/02/2021 Clerk's Notice - Amendments to Bankruptcy Rules and Official Form 122B Effective December 1, 2021
09/24/2021 2021 Virtual Town Hall - October 15, 2021
09/20/2021 Clerk's Notice - Termination of Ninth Amended Public Notice of General Order 20-03 Temporary Filing Procedures on September 30, 2021
07/26/2021 Clerk's Notice - Final Notice of Schedule of Bankruptcy Court Upgrade to NextGen CM/ECF and Mandatory Requirement to Upgrade PACER Accounts Prior to August 2, 2021
07/23/2021 Clerk's Notice - Ninth Amended Public Notice of General Order 20-03 Temporary Filing Procedures and Notice of General Order 21-02 Health and Safety Protocols
07/14/2021 Clerk's Notice - Notice of Schedule of Bankruptcy Court Upgrade to NextGen CM/ECF and Mandatory Requirement to Upgrade PACER Accounts prior to August 2, 2021
06/14/2021 Clerk's Notice - Eighth Amended Public Notice of Eighth Amended General Order 20-03 Temporary Filing Procedures and Notice of General Order 21-02 Health and Safety Protocols
06/11/2021 Notice for Youngstown June 25, 2021 Town Hall
06/10/2021 RFQ for Exagrid EX21000
06/08/2021 Clerk's Notice - Notice of Schedule of Bankruptcy Court Upgrade to NextGen CM/ECF
05/28/2021 CHAPMobile Application Live for OHNB
05/20/2021 Clerk's Notice - Bankruptcy Court Upgrading to NextGen CM/ECF
05/18/2021 Notice - USTP New Chapter 11 Periodic Reports
04/13/2021 Clerk's Notice - Seventh Amended Public Notice of Temporary Filing Procedures and Closing of Divisional Offices to the General Public
02/22/2021 Sixth Amended Public Notice of Temporary Filing Procedures and Closing of Divisional Offices to the General Public
01/08/2021 Judiciary Addresses Cybersecurity Breach
12/03/2020 Virtual Town Hall Via Microsoft Teams with Judge Tiiara N.A. Patton
12/01/2020 Clerk's Notice - Fifth Amended Public Notice of Temporary Filing Procedures and Closing of Divisional Offices to the General Public
10/29/2020 Beware of U.S. Bankruptcy Court Telephone Scams
10/29/2020 Court Closed Friday, November 27, and Thursday, December 24.
10/26/2020 Notice from the U.S. Trustee Regarding Extension of Telephonic Section 341 Meetings
10/01/2020 Clerk's Notice - Changes to the Bankruptcy Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule Effective 12/1/2020
10/01/2020 Clerk's Notice - Updated Bankruptcy Noticing Center Certificate of Notice Format
09/22/2020 Vacancy Announcement - Term Law Clerk to United States Bankruptcy Judge Tiiara N.A. Patton
08/17/2020 Announcement of Appointment of Judge Tiiara N. A. Patton
08/07/2020 RFQ for Cleveland Courtroom Technology Upgrade, Responses due 8/21/2020
06/30/2020 U.S. Trustee Program Extends Telephonic Section 341 Meetings to Cases Filed Through October 10, 2020
06/29/2020 Clerk's Notice - New PACER Website
06/01/2020 Clerk's Notice: Second Amended Public Notice of Temporary Filing Procedures and Closing of Divisional Offices to the General Public
06/01/2020 Second Amended General Order 20-02: Temporary Modification of Requirement to Obtain Original Signatures from Persons or Electronic Filings
06/01/2020 Second Amended General Order 20-03: Temporary Filing Procedures
05/21/2020 Notice of Protocol for Maintaining Public Access to Court Proceedings During Coronavirus Pandemic
05/13/2020 Passing of Judge David F. Snow
05/11/2020 U.S. Trustee Program Extends Telephonic Section 341 Meetings to Cases Filed Through July 10, 2020
05/04/2020 Amended General Order 20-02: Temporary Modification of Requirement to Obtain Original Signatures from Persons for Electronic Filings
05/04/2020 Amended General Order 20-03: Temporary Filing Procedures
04/01/2020 RFQ for Copier Maintenance, due April 8, 2020
03/31/2020 Notice from the U.S. Trustee Regarding Telephonic Chapter 7 Section 341 Meetings in the Northern District of Ohio
03/23/2020 General Order 20-02: Temporary Modification of Requirement to Obtain Original Signatures from Persons for Electronic Filings
03/23/2020 General Order 20-03: Temporary Filing Procedures
03/23/2020 Public Notice of Temporary Filing Procedures and Closing of Divisional Offices to the General Public
03/17/2020 Notice from U.S. Trustee for Regions 3 and 9 Regarding 341 Meetings
03/16/2020 Notice from the U.S. Trustee Regarding the Rescheduling of Section 341 Meetings in the Northern District of Ohio
03/12/2020 Notice to all Litigants and Lawyers with Matters in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio
02/19/2020 New Subscription Service for Opinions, News & Announcements, and Job Postings
02/14/2020 Clerk's Notice - New Bankruptcy Forms and Interim Rules Take Effect February 19, 2020
01/17/2020 General Order 20-01 Adoption of Interim Bankruptcy Rules Implementing the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA)
01/10/2020 Mentor Program Announcement from the Attorney Constituent Group
12/12/2019 Notice Regarding Appointment of Judge Mary Ann Whipple as Chief Judge
11/22/2019 Court Closed Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29.
11/12/2019 Bankruptcy Judges Appoint New Clerk of Court
10/29/2019 Notice of Vacancy for the Position of U.S. Bankruptcy Judge for Southern District of West Virginia at Charleston
10/25/2019 Public Notice - Solicitation of Applicants to Serve as Subchapter V Trustees
09/30/2019 RFQ for Courtroom Technology Maintenance Agreement, due October 18, 2019.
09/18/2019 Public Notice: OHN Bankruptcy Judgeship (Youngstown)
07/17/2019 2019 Bench-Bar Retreat - Geneva-on-the-Lake, OH - October 11, 2019
05/17/2019 Appointment of Acting Clerk of Court
04/25/2019 RFQ for Canton Courtroom Technology Upgrade, due May 17, 2019
04/22/2019 Notice of Vacancy: United States Bankruptcy Judge (Youngstown)
02/01/2019 Notice Regarding Implementation of Electronic Filing of Proofs of Claim (ePOC) Program
12/18/2018 Clerk's Notice - Digital Audio Files on the Case Management System
04/20/2018 Assignment of Cases Filed in Youngstown Effective July 7, 2018
02/05/2018 Cleveland Town Hall Meeting March 1, 2018
01/12/2018 Akron, Canton, Cleveland, and Toledo courts closed.
12/14/2017 Clerk's Notice - Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN)
12/01/2017 Youngstown Policy and Procedures Memorandum and Administrative Orders
11/01/2017 Youngstown Open Meeting on 11/16/2017 regarding Chapter 13 Practice and New Chapter 13 Plan
10/25/2017 Public Meeting on 11/09/2017 @ 2:00 pm, regarding Changes in Chapter 13 Rules, Forms, and Procedures
10/25/2017 Toledo Meeting re: National Chapter 13 Form Plan
09/19/2017 The Attorney Constituent Group supported by the Federal Bar Association presents the 2017 Bench Bar Retreat on October 20, 2017
09/15/2017 Clerk's Notice - Centralized Server Conversion
08/21/2017 RFQ - Cellular voice, data, and text messaging services
08/17/2017 Memorandum: Correspondence from Chief Judge Kendig, Re: Youngstown Judgeship
07/19/2017 Vacancy Announcement - Term Law Clerk to U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Arthur I. Harris
04/05/2017 RFQ for Courtroom Technology Integration of Portable Video Cart in Cleveland - proposals due 4/28/2017
03/30/2017 RFQ for Courtroom Technology equipment replacement - proposals due 4/21/2017
12/05/2016 Bankruptcy Judges Appoint New Clerk of Court
12/02/2016 Procedures for Avoiding Liens in Chapter 13 Cases
11/14/2016 New Bankruptcy Forms, Rules and Fees Take Effect December 1, 2016
10/19/2016 Memorandum: Combining Chapter 13 Hearing Times (Judge Morgenstern-Clarren)
09/23/2016 RFQ - Courtroom Technology Maintenance Agreement
09/07/2016 Memorandum: Cleveland Town Hall Meeting September 28, 2016
05/18/2016 Memorandum, Brown Bag Luncheon Invitation - Judge Morgenstern-Clarren
04/01/2016 Memorandum: Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day (Judge Morgenstern-Clarren)
03/09/2016 Memorandum: Tips: Think once, think twice (Judge Morgenstern-Clarren)
02/18/2016 20th Annual White-Williams Bankruptcy Institute
02/18/2016 William J. O'Neill Great Lakes Regional Bankruptcy Institute
02/17/2016 Administrative Order Governing Conduit Mortgage Payments in Chapter 13 Cases in Akron
01/04/2016 Notice Regarding Appointment of Judge Russ Kendig as Chief Judge
12/22/2015 Memorandum from Judge Kendig regarding Chapter 7 Presumptive Fee Maximum
12/17/2015 Memo from Chief Judge Morgenstern-Clarren on the FY2016 Budget
12/16/2015 Public Notice for Reappointment of Hon. Arthur I. Harris
12/15/2015 Proposed New Administrative Order Regarding Mandatory Conduit Mortgage Payments In Chapter 13 Plans in Akron
11/19/2015 Revised Adversary Case Management Initial Order - Youngstown
09/18/2015 New Bankruptcy Forms Take Effect December 1, 2015
09/01/2015 RFQ for Sit/Stand Project - responses due Monday, September 14, 2015 at 2:00p.m. EST
08/13/2015 RFQ to replace Exagrid equipment - responses due August 20, 2015
08/05/2015 Bench Bar Retreat 2015 -Open Registration
07/24/2015 Change to May 19, 2015 Memo re Adopting a District-wide Uniform Plan Form
06/18/2015 Request for Quote - Environmental Monitoring Equipment
06/01/2015 Memorandum: Youngstown Court Open Meeting June 26, 2015
05/19/2015 Memorandum: Adopting a District-Wide Uniform Chapter 13 Plan
05/19/2015 Memorandum: Brown Bag Luncheon Invitation- Chief Judge Morgenstern-Clarren
04/03/2015 Notice of Transfer of Cases and New Case Assignments in Toledo Effective April 10, 2015
03/26/2015 2015 Bench-Bar Retreat
03/16/2015 Bankruptcy in an Industrialized Society, A History of the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio
12/03/2014 Fourth Amended Order - Delegation of Authority to Sign and Enter Certain Orders (Judge Harris)
11/10/2014 Memorandum: Change in Procedure for Applications to Retain Counsel in Chapter 7 Cases (Cleveland Judges)
10/24/2014 Memorandum: Tips: Putting Some of the Unwritten Rules into Writing (Judge Morgenstern-Clarren)
10/17/2014 Form Motion for Order Confirming Inapplicability of the Automatic Stay Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(4)(A)(i) (Amended G.O. 08-1)
09/02/2014 Noticing Responsibility of Attorneys, Northern District of Ohio, Western Division (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
08/20/2014 Memorandum: Materials Addressing Current Mortgage Issues (Judge Morgenstern-Clarren)
08/08/2014 Delegation of Authority to Sign and Enter Certain Orders (Judge Koschik)
08/06/2014 The Death of Hon. Harold F. White (Judge Morgenstern-Clarren)
07/15/2014 Memorandum: Bankruptcy Court Policies and Procedures (Judge Woods)
07/13/2014 Public Notice for Reappointment of The Honorable Mary Ann Whipple, United States Bankruptcy Judge, Northern District of Ohio (Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals)
11/25/2013 Notice Regarding Amendment to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(b)(7) (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
04/17/2013 Notice Regarding Filing Fees and ECF Lockout (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
10/05/2012 Notice Regarding New Procedures for Returned Mail (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
01/03/2012 Notice Regarding Appointment of Judge Pat E. Morgenstern-Clarren as Chief Judge (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
01/24/2011 Notice Regarding Proposed Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
10/19/2010 Notice Regarding Form 177, Notice of Assets (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
06/01/2010 Notice Regarding Implementation of the Paper Check Conversion Over the Counter (PCC OTC) System (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
04/13/2010 Notice Regarding Move of Canton Courthouse (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
12/12/2008 Public Notice for Reappointment of the Honorable Pat E. Morgenstern-Clarren, United States Bankruptcy Judge, Northern District of Ohio (Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals)
03/18/2008 Notice Regarding Claims Agent Procedures (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
01/02/2008 Judge Marilyn Shea-Stonum Appointed Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Ohio (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
12/13/2007 Notice Regarding Amended Means Test Forms (Kenneth J. Hirz)
11/20/2007 Notice Regarding Amended Official Forms (Kenneth J. Hirz)
06/18/2007 Notice Regarding E-Orders for Judge Morgenstern-Clarren - Cleveland (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
04/02/2007 Notice Regarding Automatic Dollar Adjustments for New Case Filings (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
03/05/2007 Notice Regarding E-Orders for Judge Woods (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
02/06/2007 Notice Regarding Amended General Order 03-1 (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
12/05/2006 Notice Regarding Rule 7007.1 (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
12/04/2006 Notice Regarding E-Orders for Judge Harris (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
10/10/2006 Notice Regarding PACER Fee Exemptions for State Courts (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
09/21/2006 Notice Regarding CM/ECF 3.1 and Revisions to the Official Forms Effective October 1, 2006 (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
04/17/2006 Notice Regarding Youngstown E-Orders (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
03/08/2006 Notice Regarding E-Orders (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
08/31/2005 Notice Regarding ECF Conversion for Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
07/28/2005 Notice Regarding Payments and Netscape Navigator (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
12/02/2004 Notice Regarding Maintaining an E-mail Account (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
11/05/2004 Chapter 12 Extension Notice (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
07/08/2004 Notice Regarding Appointment of Judge Kay Woods (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
12/30/2003 Chapter 12 Extension Notice (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
11/21/2003 Notice Regarding Rule 1007(f) (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
08/28/2003 Chapter 12 Extension Notice (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
08/11/2003 Notice Regarding Mandatory ECF - Ensuring Training (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
07/01/2003 Chapter 12 Extension Notice (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
05/22/2003 Notice Regarding Mandatory ECF (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
01/06/2003 Notice Regarding Chapter 12 Extension (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
12/18/2002 Notice Regarding All Orders - BNC (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
03/26/2001 Judge Kendig Appointment Announcement (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
10/05/2000 Notice Regarding Electronic Noticing (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)
02/17/1999 Notice Regarding Acceptance of Credit Cards (Kenneth J. Hirz, Clerk of Court)